What No One Tells You About Motherhood
There are a lot of things no one tells you about motherhood.
Preparing for a baby is like preparing for a marathon, and once the baby arrives, you're running that marathon on no sleep and with a baby on your hip.
While you may have envisioned snuggling up on the couch with your little one to watch movies and just relax and baby heaven, the reality is that your workday starts as soon as your baby opens their eyes in the morning and doesn't end until they drift off to sleep at night.
Understanding the essentials of the postpartum experience can help you navigate this challenging yet rewarding time more smoothly.
Breastfeeding is Not Always Easy
They say it comes naturally and breastfeeding classes may make it seem easy, but the truth is, it can take weeks to master. And if it doesn't work out, don't stress. There are other ways to make sure your baby is getting the nutrition they need.
Consider having breastfeeding essentials like a cabbage leaf cream (ahem ahem) nipple creams, breast pads, and a reliable breast pump on hand. These items can make the breastfeeding journey a bit smoother.
Mentally Prepare for Interrupted Sleep
Oftentimes as moms, we’ll try to do it all. We want our partner to get sleep so they can go to work rested the next day and in reality, we need sleep too because we’re getting up for an important job as well.
The truth is that your baby will be up at all hours of the night, and they often get day and night confused! The old adage is true: sleep when the baby sleeps. Just leave the chores, forget everything you thought was once important, and take a nap if you can.
Sleep will do you WAY more good than a clean house. Consider hiring a postpartum doula if your family can’t help out with your other children or chores you need done. They are true superheros!
Carve Out Some “Me” Time
Taking even a few minutes each day to rest, recharge, or engage in activities that bring you joy can make a world of difference. Whether it's a soothing postpartum bath, a brief walk outdoors with your little one, or simply sitting quietly with a cup of tea, these moments allow you to reconnect with yourself and replenish your energy.
Remember, self-care isn't selfish—it's essential for your physical and emotional health. By prioritizing your own needs you become the best for yourself and your baby. It’s okay to ask for the help you need. It truly does take a village.
No Two Babies Are Alike
Each baby has their own unique needs, which means that what works for one may not work for another. As a parent, you will need to experiment and learn through trial and error to discover what works best for your little one.
Some essential items to keep on hand include different types of bottles, pacifiers, and swaddles, as these can make a big difference in soothing and feeding your baby.
Remember, it's perfectly normal to try several options before finding what works best for your child. Consider a regular sleep schedule for your baby. If you need support, there are some wonderful resources available at Takingcarababies.com and Momsoncall.com.
The Immense Feeling of Radical Responsibility
As a new mom, it's natural to be worried about your baby's health and well-being. You're responsible for this tiny, helpless human, and it's a big job.
It's not uncommon to spend hours Googling every little symptom, but remember to trust your instincts and don't be afraid to ask for help. Surrounding yourself with a support system and having access to reliable healthcare professionals are essential.
Emotional Rollercoaster
Motherhood brings a whirlwind of emotions. The first few weeks postpartum can feel isolated and lonely. From the overwhelming joy of holding your baby for the first time to the anxiety of ensuring they are safe and healthy, your feelings may be all over the place. It's important to acknowledge these emotions and reach out to your support network.
Joining a new mom group or finding an online community can provide a much-needed outlet for sharing experiences and gaining advice. Remember, Postpartum Depression is a real thing. Contact your healthcare provider for support. It's okay to feel a range of emotions and to seek help if you're feeling overwhelmed.
Motherhood is a transformative experience filled with surprises and challenges. By understanding and preparing, you can better navigate the postpartum journey. Embrace the support available to you, prioritize self-care, and cherish every moment with your baby.